SWAN Characteristics: Sophisticated, Gentle and Flighty Careers/ Hobbies: Therapist, Doctor, Personnel Manager, Performing arts, Music, Ballet,Quiet vacations and Social causes . I like the animal that touched me because the characteristics difine me very well. I'm the person who able to solve problems and listen te people when they have any problems. There are two personality of the swam. The swan has a lot of empathy and can work as a doctor or nurse. I like the carrers of the swam because say I can be a doctor and I would like to become it. I d i sagree with being sophisticated because I’m not lie that but whe n I have to be , I can be re ally sophisticated . I totally disagree w ith be ing flighty because I do n't consider myself a whimsical, frivolous or little serious person. Words: Behavior , Assertive , Plain , relible , tool and Flighty