BYE BYE ESO The high school is over, the time has come for everyone to take different ways, so I'm not very happy because I have been with some of my friends for a long time and as I’m one of the people I will change from school, I will miss everyone and all the memories that I have. The first impression I had when I went to high school was that it was a great place but It would be hard to make friends and above all it would cost me to overcome it. The days passed and I saw that the study method had changed a lot, but it could be done. The years have spent and we have been leaving our classmates back because they didn't pass the exams, but this didn't stop them from the first day our class was very united. This year has been the year in which we have been able to see that whenever the studies become more serious and that it has to involve much more but not everything has been bad, there have also been days that have remained markets in my memory. These acti...